Leadership Team
Matthew Crossman
President and Chief Operating Officer
Paula Martell
Executive Director, Health Services, Risk Management and Compliance, TeleHealth, and LifeFlight Operations
In addition to her comprehensive clinical training, Paula completed a Masters of Business Administration degree in 2009, which also included specialized certificates in Fundamentals of Business, Advanced Business Management, and Advanced Business Strategy.
Becky Mullowney
Executive Director, Finance
Dale Bartlett
Executive Director, System Support & Safety
Gordon Peckham
Vice President, Operations
Lindsay Bertrand
Vice President, Strategy and System Performance
Lindsay is a proven healthcare leader who is passionate about improving health outcomes by leveraging innovative solutions, patient/clinician experience and delivering exemplary care to all Nova Scotians.
Lindsay brings 20 years of experience in healthcare at Nova Scotia Health/IWK Health serving as a Chief Clinical Information Officer. In this role, she has worked to advance technology-enabled practice and, as one member of a Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) triad, has worked on patient and clinician-centred readiness for One Person One Record (OPOR). This work has been informed by her background as a clinician.
A Registered Respiratory Therapist and Certified Clinical Anesthesia Assistant by training, she spent 15 years in front-line, patient-facing care, both as a clinician and as a manager at IWK Health. Additionally, Lindsay holds a Master of Health Informatics from the University of Waterloo.